you're being inconsistent and you know it, that's why you have to try and defend your position with this lame attempt at condescension. You haven't seen proof in that other case either. Like everybody else, all you saw was a video of that white girl happily following the black guys to their car. So in order to turn that into something it wasn't, you started inventing shyt like rape wounds when not even the police claimed she was forcefully raped and that the only reason they consider this a crime is that in their view, the consent she gave was not valid due to blood alcohol levels measured after the fact. You also ignored part of the evidence detailed in the newspapers, like the white girl insulting the guy who didn't want to have sex with her. So on the one hand, you're screaming for a bunch of minors to be thrown in jail for the accusation of statutory rape in the super racist south, which solely relies on circumstantial evidence and on the other hand, you're defending a fully grown adult accused of choking out a woman in liberal new york
. In one case, you believe in American justice, in the other you don't. And we both know that the reason behind that is, that in the first case, you ran your mouth before you knew all the facts and then were too proud to admit that.