UPDATE: BEFORE AND AFTER PICS The Computer's workout and Gym life thread


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
Walked into the YMCA as usual listening to turn up music on the way in. Got into the weight room when I realized I had no idea what the fukk I was going to do in there today. Today was an off day from my usual 5x5 training but I ain't wanna not do shyt, psn was down and ain't shyt to do on Mondays so I said fukk it I'ma go work out. I decided to do some assistance exercises to help increase my bench because that shyt been rising steadily and Im almost at my goal of 225 5x5. I hate working out at the Y tho cuz I'm stronger than pretty much everybody there :ehh:. There's this one buff old dude who I thought was pretty big and shyt when I first started going there in the beginning of the summer when I went in the evenings. After I switched to morning workouts for a month I didn't see him but when I started going in the evenings again I seen him again. Dude was small to me:skip: but then it hit me I had gotten bigger. I felt one of those :blessed: moments brehs when you realize your work is actually getting some results.

Today's workout:
Incline DB curl 40 lbs 4x10
Tricep pushdowns 60 lbs 4 x 10
Front dumbbell raise 40 lbs 4 x 8
Lat pull downs 125 lbs 4 x 10
Shoulder press (machine) 140 3 x 10
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Walked into the YMCA as usual listening to turn up music on the way in. Got into the weight room when I realized I had no idea what the fukk I was going to do in there today. Today was an off day from my usual 5x5 training but I ain't wanna not do shyt, psn was down and ain't shyt to do on Mondays so I said fukk it I'ma go work out. I decided to do some assistance exercises to help increase my bench because that shyt been rising steadily and Im almost at my goal of 225 5x5. I hate working out at the Y tho cuz I'm stronger than pretty much everybody there :ehh:. There's this one buff old dude who I thought was pretty big and shyt when I first started going there in the beginning of the summer when I went in the evenings. After I switched to morning workouts for a month I didn't see him but when I started going in the evenings again I seen him again. Dude was small to me:skip: but then it hit me I had gotten bigger. I felt one of those :blessed: moments brehs when you realize your work is actually getting some results.

Today's workout:
Incline DB curl 40 lbs 4x10
Tricep pushdowns 60 lbs 4 x 10
Front dumbbell raise 40 lbs 4 x 8
Lat pull downs 125 lbs 4 x 10
Shoulder press (machine) 140 3 x 10

Not sure if you are looking for any legit criticism, but I gotta ask about this workout. It doesn't seem to make sense structurally to me. You are working back, biceps, shoulders, and triceps. What about chest? Why not add chest exercises to this to combine with your tricep and deltoid work?

If I were you I would either make it a complete upper body day (basically what you have, then add chest work). Or alternatively I would eliminate the pulling motions (biceps and pull downs), add in chest work, and move the pulling motions to a different day and do a higher volume with more back exercises (rows especially).

Ignoring the actual exercise selection which deserves its own critiques, your workout just seems a little disjointed and schizophrenic


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
Not sure if you are looking for any legit criticism, but I gotta ask about this workout. It doesn't seem to make sense structurally to me. You are working back, biceps, shoulders, and triceps. What about chest? Why not add chest exercises to this to combine with your tricep and deltoid work?

If I were you I would either make it a complete upper body day (basically what you have, then add chest work). Or alternatively I would eliminate the pulling motions (biceps and pull downs), add in chest work, and move the pulling motions to a different day and do a higher volume with more back exercises (rows especially).

Ignoring the actual exercise selection which deserves its own critiques, your workout just seems a little disjointed and schizophrenic

Did you even read my post bruh?
Today was a mass day for me. I did 5x5 bench press the day before. You telling me 4 x 10 reps ain't enough to stimulate muscle growth? More volume nikka plz :mjlol:. I didn't do chest cuz I wanted to rest it from the workout the day before. Don't come in my damn thread talm bout some disjointed and schizophrenic workouts bruh. I can already tell by the way you type you one of those condescending dudes that think they know what they talkin bout and always be tryin to give other dudes advice on shyt.

How the fukk my shyt disjointed and antagonistic to what? If I wanna work my whole upper body one day then so be it. These are mainly assistance exercises to increase my bench and size bruh.

Don't come at me like one of these brand new nikkas bruh. I hit every major muscle group in my upper body besides chest on purpose.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA

Did you even read my post bruh?
Today was a mass day for me. I did 5x5 bench press the day before. You telling me 4 x 10 reps ain't enough to stimulate muscle growth? More volume nikka plz :mjlol:. I didn't do chest cuz I wanted to rest it from the workout the day before. Don't come in my damn thread talm bout some disjointed and schizophrenic workouts bruh. I can already tell by the way you type you one of those condescending dudes that think they know what they talkin bout and always be tryin to give other dudes advice on shyt.

How the fukk my shyt disjointed and antagonistic to what? If I wanna work my whole upper body one day then so be it. These are mainly assistance exercises to increase my bench and size bruh.

Don't come at me like one of these brand new nikkas bruh. I hit every major muscle group in my upper body besides chest on purpose.

Admittedly I missed the comment about 'assistance work' which explains your retarded workout

You do you. I'm sure this thread will be a great success.


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
So I didn't have a lot of time to do my workout today so I just chose the big compound lifts I was gonna do in order to work the most muscles. Today was my first time doing wide squats. I was wanted to get my posterior chain stronger and I read that squatting like this activates the glutes more and allow me to generate power when it comes to athletics. Here's a link to the article I thought it was interesting read: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/secret-of-the-perfect-squat-widen-your-stance.html .

Wide squats tho had me like :whew: . I only got 3 sets done before my legs were like :flabbynsick:. Dumbbell shoulder press was pretty light today cuz I didn't want to overwork them considering I did a shoulder exercise yesterday. Short workout yes I know but time constraints are a bytch and I did what I thought would be most efficient time wise.

There were a lot of people in the gym today. Most of them lil dudes and a few old dudes. But today there was this one old mexican dude in there I ain't seen before, he must have been in his 40s this dude was doing dumbbell exercise and putting the dumbbells on top of other dumbbells in the rack had me like :what:.
When I went to get the 60lb dumbbells for my shoulder press he was like :skip:"Ay I am using those" I was like :comeon: I said "Nah man I'm trying to get the 60s that's underneath yo 45 lbs dumbbells." he was like "Oh". But either way how the hell you using a dumbbells if its on the rack? Why the hell you putting dumbbells on top of dumbbells on the rack? I was like fukk it and got my dumbbells and started lifting. When I finished the ol ass mexican dude had completely fukked up the dumbbell rack. There were 45s in the spot where the 60s are supposed to go. I'm like :beli: so I try to move them around and put em all in the right spot cuz I know I hate it when the shyts are all mixed up when I be lookin for a dumbbell and this dude like "Why you moving those I'm using them?" :skip:. I'm like :stopitslime: "I'm movin the weights cuz they all mixed up and all the weights are in the wrong spot" and he like "Don't worry about it I move it back when I'm done". This ol ass dude know damn well he ain't movin shyt back when he done cuz I be comin in there and muthafukkas never rack they weights or put the dumbbells in the rights spot. But the bigger question is HOW THE HELL WAS DUDE USING THE DUMBBELLS IF THEY ON THE RACK?:snoop:
If this man can't even bend his back to pick the dumbbells off the ground instead of off the rack, he need to be fukkin with them machines not the free weights.

Today's workout:
Wide stance squats 260 lbs 5x5
Seated dumbbell shoulder press 60 lbs 5x5


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
Today was a leg and ab day. This was my last workout before I take a break from the gym for about a week. I been on strong lifts for 12 weeks and now I'm moving onto madcow but before I do that I want to give my body a rest so I can be at peak condition when I start my new regimen. Shout out to @SkiHatDaGawd for providing me with the calf routine breh this shyt is tough. Shout out to @krackdagawd for his thread I wouldn't have known about the routine if not for yo thread breh thanks.

Today's Workout:
Bulgarian lunges 60lb dumbbells 3 sets of 8
Seated leg curls 205 3 sets of 8
Seated leg extensions 160lb 3 sets of 8
Standing calf raises (smith machine) 295 lbs 3 sets of 15 with bounces til failure


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
I started madcow last monday and I'm still gaining in strength and it fukking feels amazing. I haven't updated this thread in a while cuz I been busy movin in to school but here is the split from wednesday.

140 lbs 5 reps
175 lbs 5 reps
210 lbs 5 reps x 2
Seated Shoulder press
80 lbs 5 reps
90 lbs 5 reps
100 lbs 5 reps
120 lbs 5 reps
190 lbs 5 reps
225 lbs 5 reps
265 lbs 5 reps
300 lbs 5 reps