The Jews have Israel. Hispanics have Central and South America. Indians, India. Chinese, China. Japs and Koreans, Japan and Korea. A place to return to. A strong base for their people. What do we as Blacks have? Nothing. No connection. It saddens me how much Black Africans are disinterested in Africa. Especially West Africa. Creating a new "Black" nation is highly unrealistic. So the only way this will ever happen for us is to link up with countries back home. Yes....home. Nigeria is on the rise....Ghana too. I see real potential in Nigeria. Until Black Americans have real power and a strong economic/political base (Africa) to support us, we'll always be treated like garbage. I ain't saying to give up your citizenship and move to Africa but, maybe get a dual-citizenship, purchase real estate over there, get more in touch with the continent, visit more frequently, etc. Maybe y'all have better idea...
Such a stupid concept.
1. Israel is a religious nation
2. Hispanics have like 20 countries (21 with Spain or philipines)
3. India is its own place of diversity
4. China is own place with degree of internal diversity
5. Japan and Korea are homogenous societies ...ancient
If you started this thread because the republicans cleared house last night, then the goal is for blacks to start taking more stock in their communities by running for office and getting their money to buy politicians for an agenda together.
Theres nothing wrong with the system. The problem is with the participants.
They don't give a fukk about you because you let them. Remember that.
Outside of Africa (and second to brazil) , no other nation has as big of a population of black people than the USA does.
Thats 45 million people. Thats more than everyone who lives in Canada. That more than every recorded black person in Europe and Asia...combined.
45 Million people. Thats the 30th biggest country in the world.