Pretty much any flippy top rope splash. Just do a splash . I mean they're are cool to see, but it does the same damage.
That's seth Rollinsaj can legit pick up cena like his some little school kid.
How has no one mentioned this
Also every move Big Show does before punching his opponent in the face.
Cena looks so big and ackward when he wrestlesReminds me of this
that goes to the catapoltOfficially the silliest move in wrestling.
When it comes to flippy moves it's true that If you want it to resemble a real fight or competition it's unbelievable and at worst ineffective. It's typically not my thing, but The Young Bucks have embraced the unnecessary and made it work. I view them almost as a satire of flippy spot monkey wrestling. My favorite part in a Buck's match aren't the flips, but when they troll with the flips only for it to lead to a chop across the chest.