fewer Distribution options for INDY artists....
no matter how much we hate to admit it...
the MAJORS are neccesary for any artist that wants to gain a global following without having to foot the bulk of the costs..
also leverage as far as barganing for contracts (goodbye BIDDING WARS)...
with Universal/EMI having 40% of the market, that leaves the other 60 split between SONY and WARNER....
Who are more than likely gonna merge as well in the future...
so basically if an artist has issues with universal....that's a huge issue because the Universal Music Group alone has about 30 plus imprints and subsidaries....
blackballing will be more and more common.....
and the way Universal has been gaining it's way with protecting intellectual property and suing and shutting down filesharing sites like Megaupload....
it's gonna make it harder and harder for Indy's to even get thier artists heard....
along with the fact that Universal/EMI can exert total dominance over the airwaves.....and sattelite radio which is just as corporate...
along with more COOKIE CUTTER ACTS, less diversity.....and all types of CONTRIVED COLLABOS because basically EVERYBODY WILL BE "LABELMATES" at one point
just envision a "NEW WORLD ORDER" coming into play over this thing we call MUSIC