Can you explain how a 'true' revolutionary comes to be and name 1-2 of them? Your perspective casts a character from a made-for-tv movie, while most revolutionaries are littered w/ very obvious flaws throughout, from Greek mythology to IRL such as Churchill/Hitler/Gandhi/MLK Jr./Malcolm X/etc.
Don't want to frame anything I am saying as a binary argument of what a true revolutionary is, or isn't. What I am arguing, in a sense, is this persons motivations and personality traits. Do some of them cross check famous revolutionaries? Probably. Ego, arrogance, self righteous, outsize sense of ones self.
This is a certain type of killer/offender. None of the people you named started as killing one person, they were political leaders of some kind. He's closer to John Wilkes Booth, John Hinckely, the Butler PA dude, the Colombine killers. Eric Rudolph. Tim McVeigh. Mcveigh actually worked with a team, so he's a little different in a few ways. Maybe Booth did too, like he didn't work alone. but same overall kind of thing.
There's a newer critique of social media that is along the lines of it feels like real actvism to post memes, and like posts or whatever, but it never goes anywhere, because it's all just like shouting into a void, even if its a lot of people shouting at one time. So posting pictures or witty comments, or cartoons or memes, is not going to change any structural health care issues. These people that are so inspired now, where will they channel this? Probably into the next story that comes around, where they can like and follow and craft phrases. This is what this feels like to me.