Gettin' It In
I bet raymond chow has that sh1t just sitting somewhere in a vault heres hoping linda lee gets the rights to the footage and we see the complete making of when the anniversary comes around, they say that the first fight with dan inosanto taking dude in the black down with the dance of death was lost but i found a link on youtube that included that part, If they want to re release the footage on blu ray the "other" movie itself should just be an afterthought with a comedic documentary with celebs (Rza, the wu, MMA fighters, Tarantino, jackie chan ) giving their thoughts on first having seen the film with the bogus bruce lee aka billy lo
LMAO that sh1t has quotes for days "WAX!!!!!!!" "Time is Money! Time is Money!" and then that awful fight with the white man with the cain
LMAO that sh1t has quotes for days "WAX!!!!!!!" "Time is Money! Time is Money!" and then that awful fight with the white man with the cain