Box Cutta
Bumbling Sidekick

I've been trying to put dudes on Clive Barkers Jericho for years.
It's a mid-budget fps that came out in obviously there are going to be some technical and mechanical issues...this is certainly not a Halo or CoD type thing where everything is refined and tweaked and focus tested to perfection (And the point of losing charm....). But man..the things this game gets right, it REALLY gets right, and it's just a very different shooter.
It's been some time since I played it, but the basics of the story are that you are this military squad made up of magic users, and you have to travel through different times in human history to hunt down a big bad villain.
The squad based aspects, while slightly crude, actually make for a fun experience. You can switch between all of the different characters at will (Not counting the odd section where the team is split up). They each have their own powers and weapons...I found it pretty fun to experiment.
Where the squad based aspects really shine are during the boss fights, typically you need to use a couple of different combinations to defeat a boss. Seeing as how bosses are all but dead in modern FPS, I found the fact that this game has 10 or so bosses to make it really special. They aren't all perfect, but they are all pretty unique from one another.
The time travel aspect is also surprisingly interesting. Which other fps do you have to travel to ancient rome and fight demonic, grotesque, legionnaires in a Colosseum? Or travel through ancient Sumeria to kill sorcerers? Once again, the game is different.
[ame=""]Clive Barker's Jericho 4.6 - Morituri te Salutant [gameplay] - YouTube[/ame]

Man, it's not perfect. But for me, it's the most underrated, misunderstood, overlooked shooter of this gen.