The best Uncharted title was 2. Three was ass and One. Tomb Raider 2013 was completely better and Rise of Tomb has been better than any Uncharted title to date and may be better than Uncharted 4 from the looks. Features, Gameplay etc....
Damn sometimes you post good then the next you post ass. It is like you trying to decide who you are on here.
You going to sit here and say that shyt goes both ways when the WOATs are supposely Xbox fanboys and that Tomb Raider thread is the worst shyt I have ever seen. Look at the xbox league threads or the Xbox elite controller shyt I am surprised they didnt trash Pc yet but it is looking that way.
you're the Hoe. With your trolling ways. How ass bytch.They fell right into the trap and it shows their double standard. The diease is strong and it is terrible. You had one cat trying to compare PS4 game screens to PC. Sad to say and they wont admit but Xbox had the best looking game last year which was Tomb Raider.
You sound like a hoe. Cut that shyt out. Disgust me.
Yeah but Xbots are more maturing you bever see them going into threads derailing Sony shyt but I can up twenty Xbox one threads