Don't care for none of that cosmetic shyt. But as far as the gameplay changes they're gonna make the game worse?
With the way the game is your only gonna keep vets coming back. The hit points are too high and hit detection is very inaccurate, they need to fix that before anything. This isn't socom, characters move way too fast for it to be a free aim only tps shooter, it works well for single player but not so much against human players which have very unpredictable movements.
Just like getting shot can reduce your accuracy, you shouldn't be able to run up and melee someone and take 5 shots to the head like it's nothing while doing so. They should take a page from max payne's multi, a soft and hardlock shooting mechanic would greatly improve this game.
Its not all bad, co-op is great, but UC3's competitive multi ain't where it's at for tps imo.
I've tested this shyt by playing both games on the weekend, even max paynes hardcore multi with no soft/hard lock felt better because characters have more animations, they don't zig zag like flies across the screen, so it's easier and feels better lining up shots or predicting movements. Wit UC3 it felt better to just spray run up and melee.