You can stop reading wherever you want. Shows that you aren't really interested in an educated back and forth with someone who disagrees with you, and that's fine.
The thing is, if he is the one trying to generate funds, the burden shouldn't be on the audience to ASK for proof, it should be on the educator to present proof. I've seen so many videos, I've looked at his FB page, I've looked at his goFundme account and none of it shows any type of advanced developed plan, which, as an investor, you would typically want to see before you invest.
From his Go Fund Me page
Good Day To All!
I badly need your help! I'm trying to raise funds to acquire and rehabilitate either the Historically Black St.Paul's College in Lawrenceville Virginia, or the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy in Port Gibson Mississippi, with the expressed intent of transforming one or both of them into the Frederick Douglass & Marcus Garvey RBG International Leadership Academy for Black Boys; which will be America's first private K-12 residential academy for African-American males based upon the principles of Traditional Afrikan Culture, Pan-Afrikan Leadership, Community Self-Determination & Cooperative Entreprenuership.
As a School Psychologist, School Principal, and Doctor of Clinical Psychology, with more than 20 years of experience servicing African-American boys, I am committed to reversing and ending the detrimental effects of special education, juvenile incarceration, societal alienation, psychological frustration, and premature extermination that has become commonplace for boys of color in this country. Like myself, I'm sure that you are also tired of the suspensions, expulsions, mis-diagnoses, and excessive use of medication and physical force against our boys.
The FDMG Academy will chiefly provide our boys with serious Manhood Training and Discipline, which will enable them to return to their communities as leaders, husbands and fathers. Our Agricultural Science and S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics)Program will focus upon raising up the next generation of scientists akin to Dr. George Washington Carver (who once visited St.Paul's College) & Dr. Lewis Latimer. Our Financial and Economic Sciences program will teach them the power techniques of the Real Estate and Commodities Industries; as well as Strategic Business Planning. In addition to several other programs, too numerous to name here, there will be a Seafood & ShellFish Gaming and Business Program that teaches our young men the art of fishing & shipping within the seafood market.
All of our academic and industrial programs will prepare our children for college, or immediate business entreprenuership, whichever they personally prefer. A comprehensive Pan-Afrikan History and Culture curriculum will ensure that our children know from whence they came, that we as a people existed before the rise of racism and slavery, with critical attention being paid to the role of African culture with regard to maintaining the health and happiness for everyone within our communities.
If you would like to help me reverse the Infamous School-To-Prison Pipeline then please donate to this most worthy of causes, and then influence and motivate everyone you know to do the same! We have to act now, there is no tomorrow unless we make one! $4,000,000 will give us the monies necessary to not only acquire the facilities ($2,000,000), but will also allow us to make the much needed repairs to bring either property up to inspection code, which will be critically necessary towards opening the school as quickly as possible.
That's his plan. No mention of specific classes, LOFTY goals (He will be teaching entrepreneurship, college prep, STEM, Financial and Economic classes, Real Estate, Business planning, Seafood and Shellfish gaming and business, Pan-Afrikan History and culture etc. etc.) yet he has not one other member on board. Is he a specialist at all of these things?
Remember, this is his website, this is what he is showing to the world. If you put the burden on the consumer to find out something, that's completely fine and that's on you. Me personally, I'd rather watch the trailer before walking into the movie