Umar Johnson Is A Fraud, Umar snaps "triffilin ass black people"


Jun 22, 2012
He laid out clearly what he is trying to do....nothings off the ground yet, because he doesn't even have the damn funds to get the foundation due to you you crab ass negroes, who would jump if a cracka had some plan and asked for donations,but of course not Umar and his plan right? :troll:..........why would he give out his plans to the public so white supremacists/governement can put a wrench in his attempt to buy the school.............with all you agent provacateurs, its probably too late to do what he's aspiring to do....this nikka probably got all sorts of agents bugging him and trailing him now because of you new age nikkas incessent crab in the barrel antics....:rudy:....Do you c00ns not get exactly what Umar is building up? :heh: He's building an all black boy school/university styled that is hinged on Pro Black empowerment.....

Dap and rep


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
You sure? Link? He's not listed as accredited by the Pennsylvania board.

check my post here , where is listed on the staff list and a link to third circuit court of appeal case where his certification is brought up (pg 11)

Again am not a umar defender, and i don't believe is a doctor of any sort , but i do believe at one point he was a legitimate school psychologist and even that term when he uses it doesn't sit too right with me, because for all intents and purposes a school social worker can be a school psychologist but overall like i mentioned in that other thread, its just not something that you fake, it would be such a huge liability issue for a school to hire someone like that with out checkin basic credentials.
Apr 30, 2012
He laid out clearly what he is trying to do....nothings off the ground yet, because he doesn't even have the damn funds to get the foundation due to you you crab ass negroes, who would jump if a cracka had some plan and asked for donations,but of course not Umar and his plan right? :troll:..........why would he give out his plans to the public so white supremacists/governement can put a wrench in his attempt to buy the school.............with all you agent provacateurs, its probably too late to do what he's aspiring to do....this nikka probably got all sorts of agents bugging him and trailing him now because of you new age nikkas incessent crab in the barrel antics....:rudy:....Do you c00ns not get exactly what Umar is building up? :heh: He's building an all black boy school/university styled that is hinged on Pro Black empowerment.....


Mar 4, 2015
He laid out clearly what he is trying to do....nothings off the ground yet, because he doesn't even have the damn funds to get the foundation due to you you crab ass negroes, who would jump if a cracka had some plan and asked for donations,but of course not Umar and his plan right? :troll:..........why would he give out his plans to the public so white supremacists/governement can put a wrench in his attempt to buy the school.............with all you agent provacateurs, its probably too late to do what he's aspiring to do....this nikka probably got all sorts of agents bugging him and trailing him now because of you new age nikkas incessent crab in the barrel antics....:rudy:....Do you c00ns not get exactly what Umar is building up? :heh: He's building an all black boy school/university styled that is hinged on Pro Black empowerment.....

Take it how you want to, but I'll try and be respectful for the sake of real debate and not coli "you're a c00n/ you're an idiot" banter

You mentioned: "he laid out clearly what he is trying to do"...where? He hasn't "laid anything out". He has only said what he wants to do in a lofty manner. Let's say the breh IS a Dr. (which he isn't), why hasn't he spent 10 hours, 5 hours, 1 hour...drafting a PDF with a plan, any type of financial needs chart, executive staff members/panel etc. How come he hasn't put any of his own money up to develop a website ($2000-$5000) that has detailed charts and graphics and a digital model of how the school would look and function?

You mentioned: "why would he give out his plans to the public so white supremacists/government can put a wrench in his attempt to buy the school?" Fair enough, however, his plan is out there already. He clearly is using social media and videos saying specifically what he needs ($2 million) and what he plans to do with it (buy one of several specific schools that he's mentioned). So basically, his plan is already out there. Further, if he wanted to keep his "specific Master plan" within the community, why not give it to those who donate a specific amount? Why not offer exclusive incentives to people so they can feel on board and part of the effort. OR, is this a deflection tactic because there really is no tangible, specific, and educated plan?

You mentioned: He's building an all black boy school/university styled that is hinged on pro black empowerment...Is he really building that :usure:, or is he selling that idea. Why hasn't he started smaller? Why hasn't he built a panel of credentialed and certified black and African educators to stand with him. Why hasn't he written a book and launched a targeted media campaign to generate funds. What kind of educator calls his supporters "triflin"? What is he going to say when a child acts up or shows up with permed hair?

I am ALL for supporting our own - I myself hired a black mobile application developer when I needed one over the Indian and White ones that I interviewed mostly because the brother was skilled and told me he needed to beef up his resume because it's hard to gain traction - so miss me with the "you don't support black people" before hand. I would love to support Dr. Umar (who is misleading everyone already by using that title considering he hasn't earned a Doctoral degree on any level) IF he showed some redeeming quality. Instead the dude comes off pretentious, negative, and uses the same negative optimism tactics that so many other false prophets use.

I am also 100% ok with someone ignoring my stance and donating. To each their own. Personally, I would just need more proof before spending the money that I work hard to earn on this project. If the man says he is a Dr. but isn't, says he is all about the people yet calls the ones who can't/don't support him trifling, says he is trying to be a role model but offering to fight people outside :mjlol: and says he wants you to spend your hard earned dollars but hasn't put his own money and resources up in a wise manner, it is not out of the realm of possibility that maybe...JUST MAYBE... he either isn't qualified to take on such a large project OR he is praying on people.
Apr 30, 2012
Take it how you want to, but I'll try and be respectful for the sake of real debate and not coli "you're a c00n/ you're an idiot" banter

You mentioned: "he laid out clearly what he is trying to do"...where? He hasn't "laid anything out". He has only said what he wants to do in a lofty manner. Let's say the breh IS a Dr. (which he isn't), why hasn't he spent 10 hours, 5 hours, 1 hour...drafting a PDF with a plan, any type of financial needs chart, executive staff members/panel etc. How come he hasn't put any of his own money up to develop a website ($2000-$5000) that has detailed charts and graphics and a digital model of how the school would look and function?

You mentioned: "why would he give out his plans to the public so white supremacists/government can put a wrench in his attempt to buy the school?" Fair enough, however, his plan is out there already. He clearly is using social media and videos saying specifically what he needs ($2 million) and what he plans to do with it (buy one of several specific schools that he's mentioned). So basically, his plan is already out there. Further, if he wanted to keep his "specific Master plan" within the community, why not give it to those who donate a specific amount? Why not offer exclusive incentives to people so they can feel on board and part of the effort. OR, is this a deflection tactic because there really is no tangible, specific, and educated plan?

You mentioned: He's building an all black boy school/university styled that is hinged on pro black empowerment...Is he really building that :usure:, or is he selling that idea. Why hasn't he started smaller? Why hasn't he built a panel of credentialed and certified black and African educators to stand with him. Why hasn't he written a book and launched a targeted media campaign to generate funds. What kind of educator calls his supporters "triflin"? What is he going to say when a child acts up or shows up with permed hair?

I am ALL for supporting our own - I myself hired a black mobile application developer when I needed one over the Indian and White ones that I interviewed mostly because the brother was skilled and told me he needed to beef up his resume because it's hard to gain traction - so miss me with the "you don't support black people" before hand. I would love to support Dr. Umar (who is misleading everyone already by using that title considering he hasn't earned a Doctoral degree on any level) IF he showed some redeeming quality. Instead the dude comes off pretentious, negative, and uses the same negative optimism tactics that so many other false prophets use.

I am also 100% ok with someone ignoring my stance and donating. To each their own. Personally, I would just need more proof before spending the money that I work hard to earn on this project. If the man says he is a Dr. but isn't, says he is all about the people yet calls the ones who can't/don't support him trifling, says he is trying to be a role model but offering to fight people outside :mjlol: and says he wants you to spend your hard earned dollars but hasn't put his own money and resources up in a wise manner, it is not out of the realm of possibility that maybe...JUST MAYBE... he either isn't qualified to take on such a large project OR he is praying on people.
Stopped reading at this point.
Show me the email or any correspondence that you initiated to him regarding this concern?


Mar 4, 2015
Stopped reading at this point.
Show me the email or any correspondence that you initiated to him regarding this concern?

You can stop reading wherever you want. Shows that you aren't really interested in an educated back and forth with someone who disagrees with you, and that's fine.

The thing is, if he is the one trying to generate funds, the burden shouldn't be on the audience to ASK for proof, it should be on the educator to present proof. I've seen so many videos, I've looked at his FB page, I've looked at his goFundme account and none of it shows any type of advanced developed plan, which, as an investor, you would typically want to see before you invest.

From his Go Fund Me page

Good Day To All!

I badly need your help! I'm trying to raise funds to acquire and rehabilitate either the Historically Black St.Paul's College in Lawrenceville Virginia, or the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy in Port Gibson Mississippi, with the expressed intent of transforming one or both of them into the Frederick Douglass & Marcus Garvey RBG International Leadership Academy for Black Boys; which will be America's first private K-12 residential academy for African-American males based upon the principles of Traditional Afrikan Culture, Pan-Afrikan Leadership, Community Self-Determination & Cooperative Entreprenuership.

As a School Psychologist, School Principal, and Doctor of Clinical Psychology, with more than 20 years of experience servicing African-American boys, I am committed to reversing and ending the detrimental effects of special education, juvenile incarceration, societal alienation, psychological frustration, and premature extermination that has become commonplace for boys of color in this country. Like myself, I'm sure that you are also tired of the suspensions, expulsions, mis-diagnoses, and excessive use of medication and physical force against our boys.

The FDMG Academy will chiefly provide our boys with serious Manhood Training and Discipline, which will enable them to return to their communities as leaders, husbands and fathers. Our Agricultural Science and S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics)Program will focus upon raising up the next generation of scientists akin to Dr. George Washington Carver (who once visited St.Paul's College) & Dr. Lewis Latimer. Our Financial and Economic Sciences program will teach them the power techniques of the Real Estate and Commodities Industries; as well as Strategic Business Planning. In addition to several other programs, too numerous to name here, there will be a Seafood & ShellFish Gaming and Business Program that teaches our young men the art of fishing & shipping within the seafood market.

All of our academic and industrial programs will prepare our children for college, or immediate business entreprenuership, whichever they personally prefer. A comprehensive Pan-Afrikan History and Culture curriculum will ensure that our children know from whence they came, that we as a people existed before the rise of racism and slavery, with critical attention being paid to the role of African culture with regard to maintaining the health and happiness for everyone within our communities.

If you would like to help me reverse the Infamous School-To-Prison Pipeline then please donate to this most worthy of causes, and then influence and motivate everyone you know to do the same! We have to act now, there is no tomorrow unless we make one! $4,000,000 will give us the monies necessary to not only acquire the facilities ($2,000,000), but will also allow us to make the much needed repairs to bring either property up to inspection code, which will be critically necessary towards opening the school as quickly as possible.


That's his plan. No mention of specific classes, LOFTY goals (He will be teaching entrepreneurship, college prep, STEM, Financial and Economic classes, Real Estate, Business planning, Seafood and Shellfish gaming and business, Pan-Afrikan History and culture etc. etc.) yet he has not one other member on board. Is he a specialist at all of these things?

Remember, this is his website, this is what he is showing to the world. If you put the burden on the consumer to find out something, that's completely fine and that's on you. Me personally, I'd rather watch the trailer before walking into the movie :manny:


Aug 9, 2014
He laid out clearly what he is trying to do....nothings off the ground yet, because he doesn't even have the damn funds to get the foundation due to you you crab ass negroes, who would jump if a cracka had some plan and asked for donations,but of course not Umar and his plan right? :troll:..........why would he give out his plans to the public so white supremacists/governement can put a wrench in his attempt to buy the school.............with all you agent provacateurs, its probably too late to do what he's aspiring to do....this nikka probably got all sorts of agents bugging him and trailing him now because of you new age nikkas incessent crab in the barrel antics....:rudy:....Do you c00ns not get exactly what Umar is building up? :heh: He's building an all black boy school/university styled that is hinged on Pro Black empowerment.....

so basically a HBCU for highschoolers

Yeah, the government is really going to put a stop to this

he needs to share his plans , i'm not a supporter of him but he's basically creating a boarding school concept

and i'd be interested if i knew exactly what the curiculum would be and other details

and if he truly has 250K and he believes in this, why doesn't his company get a loan for the rest of the money. Let him detail his plans to a bank. Most of us aren't saavy enough to smell bullshyt, but he wouldn't be able to produce business plans to a bank for a loan without them doing proper due diligence


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
so basically a HBCU for highschoolers

Yeah, the government is really going to put a stop to this

he needs to share his plans , i'm not a supporter of him but he's basically creating a boarding school concept

and i'd be interested if i knew exactly what the curiculum would be and other details

and if he truly has 250K and he believes in this, why doesn't his company get a loan for the rest of the money. Let him detail his plans to a bank. Most of us aren't saavy enough to smell bullshyt, but he wouldn't be able to produce business plans to a bank for a loan without them doing proper due diligence

Nah its way more deep than that.......They not giving him a Loan for this type of plan breh.....:mjpls:



Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
You can stop reading wherever you want. Shows that you aren't really interested in an educated back and forth with someone who disagrees with you, and that's fine.

The thing is, if he is the one trying to generate funds, the burden shouldn't be on the audience to ASK for proof, it should be on the educator to present proof. I've seen so many videos, I've looked at his FB page, I've looked at his goFundme account and none of it shows any type of advanced developed plan, which, as an investor, you would typically want to see before you invest.

From his Go Fund Me page

Good Day To All!

I badly need your help! I'm trying to raise funds to acquire and rehabilitate either the Historically Black St.Paul's College in Lawrenceville Virginia, or the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy in Port Gibson Mississippi, with the expressed intent of transforming one or both of them into the Frederick Douglass & Marcus Garvey RBG International Leadership Academy for Black Boys; which will be America's first private K-12 residential academy for African-American males based upon the principles of Traditional Afrikan Culture, Pan-Afrikan Leadership, Community Self-Determination & Cooperative Entreprenuership.

As a School Psychologist, School Principal, and Doctor of Clinical Psychology, with more than 20 years of experience servicing African-American boys, I am committed to reversing and ending the detrimental effects of special education, juvenile incarceration, societal alienation, psychological frustration, and premature extermination that has become commonplace for boys of color in this country. Like myself, I'm sure that you are also tired of the suspensions, expulsions, mis-diagnoses, and excessive use of medication and physical force against our boys.

The FDMG Academy will chiefly provide our boys with serious Manhood Training and Discipline, which will enable them to return to their communities as leaders, husbands and fathers. Our Agricultural Science and S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics)Program will focus upon raising up the next generation of scientists akin to Dr. George Washington Carver (who once visited St.Paul's College) & Dr. Lewis Latimer. Our Financial and Economic Sciences program will teach them the power techniques of the Real Estate and Commodities Industries; as well as Strategic Business Planning. In addition to several other programs, too numerous to name here, there will be a Seafood & ShellFish Gaming and Business Program that teaches our young men the art of fishing & shipping within the seafood market.

All of our academic and industrial programs will prepare our children for college, or immediate business entreprenuership, whichever they personally prefer. A comprehensive Pan-Afrikan History and Culture curriculum will ensure that our children know from whence they came, that we as a people existed before the rise of racism and slavery, with critical attention being paid to the role of African culture with regard to maintaining the health and happiness for everyone within our communities.

If you would like to help me reverse the Infamous School-To-Prison Pipeline then please donate to this most worthy of causes, and then influence and motivate everyone you know to do the same! We have to act now, there is no tomorrow unless we make one! $4,000,000 will give us the monies necessary to not only acquire the facilities ($2,000,000), but will also allow us to make the much needed repairs to bring either property up to inspection code, which will be critically necessary towards opening the school as quickly as possible.


That's his plan. No mention of specific classes, LOFTY goals (He will be teaching entrepreneurship, college prep, STEM, Financial and Economic classes, Real Estate, Business planning, Seafood and Shellfish gaming and business, Pan-Afrikan History and culture etc. etc.) yet he has not one other member on board. Is he a specialist at all of these things?

Remember, this is his website, this is what he is showing to the world. If you put the burden on the consumer to find out something, that's completely fine and that's on you. Me personally, I'd rather watch the trailer before walking into the movie :manny:

:comeon: Breh stop deflectin like a mothafcka.....