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Not for me. I was sold on the idea of a Pan African school for are children. A place where they can learn how to fly planes,agriculture, various trades, true black history and most importantly learn to love themselves and people.its crazy to me that u had grown men taking him seriously in the first place, like HOW naive do you have to be?
I guess people just want to be led
Not for me. I was sold on the idea of a Pan African school for are children. A place where they can learn how to fly planes,agriculture, various trades, true black history and most importantly learn to love themselves and people.
Yeah I'm not a Umar fanatic but seeing a school like that being build for black children would've been amazing.And I hope it come to exist in reality with or without the dr.that is all good but he has no credentials and has been exposed several times before, Feminista jones was going hard on him a while ago,
that is all good but he has no credentials and has been exposed several times before, Feminista jones was going hard on him a while ago,
How much do broke black folk spend on Jordan's a month?Just watched a video of Umar Johnson berating people who ONLY sent in a donation of $25
He's saying he needs money EVERY MONTH from triflin ass black folks...
Says this is the NEW UMAR and if you don't like it we can take it outside...
I feel for anybody still giving money to this guy...
And anybody sending their child off to be raised by him is a FOOL