Full of religious conviction, but empty of common sense. Ready to teach the word to people, in the hopes they have a better life, but gave his daughter to a man who is known for eliminating life. Seems the pastor was more focused on proving the rehabilitating power of god (i.e. himself the pastor), his hubris being a major contributor to their deaths. The daughter also lacked any common sense, but she had a very poor teacher in her father.
Death penalty should be on the table for that killer. He was given a second chance, and probably was all up in the church too (or pretended he was). So he should not be allowed to progress any further in this life.
My sympathy in all of this is reserved for the only ones who had no choice in the whole situation, the children. They were failed by two generations of their family, and their lives were forfeited over issues and decisions they had no power to control, make, or avoid.