Ultima Lucha Tres (Season Finale Tonight) - The End of the Road *We Byke for Season 4 :blessed:*


#SnitchGang Elite
Apr 30, 2012
Sneak Nation
I'm still buggin' that this man
was making boss moves against El Jefe Dario :ufdup:just wait until his brother finds out


Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013
The opening cage match was going great….until Matanza through Azteca through the cage. Don’t get me wrong, that was a great and unpredictable spot. My mouth flew open when that happened. But after that they kind of just fumbled around the cage. And when they got back in the ring the energy just felt gone.

Now seeing Black Lotus was a very nice surprise and so was the stuff with her and Dario after the match. But I have to mention this, did anyone else find it confusing as to what Lotus was trying to do. She attacked Aztec and helped Matanza win, but then after the match she attacks Matanza and calls Dario a liar, most likely meaning she knows the truth about her parent’s death.

So….if that’s the case, why attack Azteca and help Matanza win? Why not go after Dario while Matanza was distracted in the ring? Why attack Azteca? I don’t know, it was confusing to me.

Ok, then we get to the 3 way elimination match. Holy hell what a war. Crane was at his spot festy best and selling his ass for Cage and Matanza, who were beasts themselves. That Deadlift Superplex from the ring to the outside through the table was a great spot. The match peaked there but it still lead to a good finish. And how about Mil, 3-0 at Ultima Lucha. The streak goes on.

Also, King Cuerno bytches! Another great surprise. After all the rumors I thought he was gone for sure. Great to see him coming back after the man who put him. I will be very sad if we never find out the conclusion of the story of him stealing the Gauntlet, considering the impact it had at the end of the show.

And now for the first main event. It was fitting seeing how these two guys felt like the staples of LU since it started. Ricochet felt like “The Franchise” ala Sting, main eventing all Ultima Luchas so far. And Johnny felt like the biggest heel in the company. So it just felt like the perfect main event. The match was what you thought it would be, a great athletic showcase with a good touch of drama. Though I will say Striker was laying it on a little too thick at times trying to force the drama.

The match got really fun when Angelico came back. I had completely forgotten about his beef with the WWU until then. And then the freaking Ref did a Tope to the outside onto the WWU! Screw everything else, that was the spot of the night to me, lol. Everything lead to a good finish and a happy ending for Puma……for all of 5 minutes.

The Pentagon inclusion was obvious from last week. Also, I got spoiled to him winning the title months ago watching WCPW….b*stards. Anyway the match was what it was with the ultimate talking point being Vampiro’s betrayal of Puma and joining Pentagon again. I’m not sure how to feel about this yet. They’ve kind of blown their load already on Pentagon and Vampiro together but I can’t comment more unless we get to see more about Vampiro’s master.

Now, time for the great vignette at the end, even if it all ends up being meaningless.

Puma leaving his mask behind was a sad and symbolic sight, seeing how he has been the franchise of LU since it’s inception. He’ll be in NXT by Mania time next year and best of luck.

King Cuerno is now in possession of a powerful object that is coveted by a secret organization of Gods and Captain Vasquez, who is also immortal. .

Now to the Sexy Star segment. Now, it’s hard to get interested in Sexy given what happened with Rosemary. And even without that, never had a lot of juice going for it in the first place.

Then there was the Fenix and Melissa being lovebirds. The camera was focusing on something in the background but honestly I couldn’t make it out.

That Reptile Lair segment was good hokey fun to me. That Daga scene was in the trailer when Season 3 first aired last year but never showed up until now. He fukking killed Pindar while Drago clearly did not like it. Again, hokey, but I loved it.

The skit with Vampiro and his master was really cool and I really want to know who is master is. Although, what angle are they really going for here? I mean, Vampiro helped Ricochet come back from the grave, guided him to the main event of UL III, betrayed him to back to Pentagon, and Vampiro’s maste wants to take out Pentagon. Eh?

And again…..Dario! Why?! Lol. Honestly if the show does comes I do think he will be back, no matter how they have to explain it. And how about him calling his dad too.

A wild ride of a show and while I don’t hope it’s the end of LU, it was a strong to show to end on if it is the end. Hopefully if they can’t come back with a wrestling show, I’d love to see like a 1 to 2 hr movie to tie up the big loose ends.


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA