Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Caught up from the last two episodes last night. Can't wait for that ladder match. That's gonna be amazing. Plus that 3 stages of hell match was in-cre-di-ble.Took me back to those old-school hardcore matches from ECW. Both great performers that really did their thing last night.
On a side note about season 4, hopefully they start getting more interest and we aren't always sitting here wondering if there's a renewal or not. Hopefully also the tapings happen more closer to airing. I heard on here that this season was taped like a year ago. Hopefully they'll cut it down to a few months at most. I'm bout to quit playing and go buy me a shirt or two to help keep the temple running.
Cop you that GOATanza mask too
