All Star
" He was ambushed by a cake"

it has come to light that he lied about the evacuation of the animals in Afghanistan basically sacrificed people's life's.
Apparently the Sue Gray report is out. But No10 are keeping it under wraps.
Who is the "best" Conservative Party member? Are there any?
PMQs been fire for the last few weeks, Starmer going in
Ridiculous country. Worst run in the west
One of the seemlingly postive things about the UK is that there is an environment of (albeit shrinking) "faux freedom" but that comes at a terrible cost.
People feel that they can "do what they want" withn limits but unfortunately the quid-pro-quo is their abandonment by the state and that TPTB in society are (even more) free to do what they want, which includes the desicraton of the economy longer-term and the marginlisaton of large sections of society.
All with a layer of sanctimonious "better than thou" piety, self-aggradising self-righteous assumed superiority and entitlement on top.