Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
This turned our to be a pretty wild night
Not a fan of Randy B but it felt good seeing him make that douche bleed.Without the hype and arrogance guess we know who the best from DWLFAF is.
I curse McCarthy for depriving us of seeing Hendricks go out. His suffering should have been more severe.
What's to be said about JJ. Its funny that during the pre fight stuff and even the weigh in I said to myself man she's reminding a lot of Ronda before she got humbled. And then bam! Weird fight..The division has officially been cheapened.
About the bantamweight fight, whether it's Cruz, Cody or TJ they all seem like a$$holes just to varying degrees so it's whatever. Now kuklux Kody can face aljermain sterling.
As for the main event, that was an early Christmas present. I don't really care about the implications of what GSP did all I care about is that arrogant coward lost his belt to a WW after running away from competition for dear life. Sseemed the theme of the night for villains was pride before the fall. And babyfaces was you can achieve it if you believe it..
Ps looks like GSP isn't going to rape ppl on the ground at MW, good to see "rush" after so long..
Not a fan of Randy B but it felt good seeing him make that douche bleed.Without the hype and arrogance guess we know who the best from DWLFAF is.
I curse McCarthy for depriving us of seeing Hendricks go out. His suffering should have been more severe.
What's to be said about JJ. Its funny that during the pre fight stuff and even the weigh in I said to myself man she's reminding a lot of Ronda before she got humbled. And then bam! Weird fight..The division has officially been cheapened.

As for the main event, that was an early Christmas present. I don't really care about the implications of what GSP did all I care about is that arrogant coward lost his belt to a WW after running away from competition for dear life. Sseemed the theme of the night for villains was pride before the fall. And babyfaces was you can achieve it if you believe it..
Ps looks like GSP isn't going to rape ppl on the ground at MW, good to see "rush" after so long..