the Rory fight was frustrating to watch from a technical stand point. Rory gave Lawler that win just off of his stance alone. He fought hunched over and chin sticking way out

and then he circles to Robbie's left (power hand) the whole night and didn't throw the jab

as soon as I seen his stance I knew he should start throwing head kicks but he didn't really start doing it till the 3rd and he was pretty tired. Robbie looked way too loose and calm but if worked for him

Rory was way too hesitant looked like his personality finally caught up with him in the ring

Hendricks should body Lawler in the 3rd fight tho.
I also believe Mendes broke down mentally. He wasn't prepared for that trash talk from Conor.
The Jonathan Stephens fight was good because of that flash high knee.
Gunner gave that boy thatch that two piece combo from Popeyes
The reebok uniform was weak and the blood doesn't go with white lol. The new design for the UFC makes it look like I'm playing ea UFC I don't care for it much. The octagon graphics were really cool. But they couldn't translate it well on the tv seemed like you needed to be there in person to get the full effect imo.
This national pride stuff is all cool but they be mishandling the flags

I also didn't like how right before Conor came out the Irish flag was in the middle of the octagon in Vegas
That's the first ever live entrances UFC ever had. I think this card did about 800k buys. Aldo is literally licking his chops. He didn't miss out on his pay day

now Conor gonna be on his Hollywood steez talking about he's the one and only champ and Aldo is an imposter

Aldo will be ready and if any of yall check the episode where we talked to Aldo's sparring partner. Aldo will be ready for Conor's mouth. Plus the reach will be similar. I don't see Conor being able to check the leg kicks or being able to stuff the take downs consistently from Aldo. I am so relieved I didn't go to Vegas

it was a good fight card. I seen Lorenzo fertitta the first one in the ring with Dana congratulating Conor. The Mendes congratulating him was

the whole giving him the black shirt thing was
I do wonder what Dana said to Rory

at the end of the fight.
Conor woulda targeted Aldo's ribs Conor's spinning back kick is made for that.