Givebit to Sony under the condition they make it multiplatformUbisoft is wack as hell and I have no idea how they keep getting these IPs, but I guess the Assassin's Creed gameplay can translate over to this. I hope its on UE5.
This is an IP I wish Sucker Punch got.
Naw this aint a charityGivebit to Sony under the condition they make it multiplatform
Givebit to Sony under the condition they make it multiplatform
That's crazyIt still boggles my mind that we don't have any AAA Vampire or Werewolf games out to play.
I think it's more about their recent games from like 2015 to today. Pretty much a lot of their games are cut and paste inflated open-world. I did enjoy their games, but they ruined goodwill with their open-world structure and how most of their games feel the same. I think they can easily bounce back if they make their worlds smaller and their games more linear. The combat for the assassin creed games are pretty decent and have they can focus more on combat they can have a good Blade gameI've heard about how trash ubisoft is it ALL the developers under UbiSoft that are bad or just some?
Becuz there's no way y'all can tell me that all of the splinter cell games were bad