The referee here is clearly holding things up because the thumb has come detached from the glove. I don't know if it's common knowledge amongst boxing fans but the thumb part of the glove is attached to the finger part to prevent thumb/eye injuries.
You can see that in this pic
Now the question is how did it come apart? I think that in this case it must have been cut. You fight in new gloves and so it would be severe bad luck for a brand new pair of gloves to break like that. I've never seen ANY gloves, even ancient community gym gloves come apart like that so I think it must have been cut
So shouts out to whoever found this because I think it's a clear case of Fury cheating. That said I don't agree with the video that this is proof that the something could happen during the hand wrapping. Obviously it's way easier to cut that little strap after your wraps have been signed off then to sneak something past the officials AND opposing team while they watch you get your hands wrapped
I'm not saying fury didn't cheat against wilder and this video proves you can't put it past him, I just haven't seen evidence yet that convinces me and clear non-boxing guys telling the pros from mayweather gym that they're wrong is a bit