You low iq nikkaz can cry and whine all you want
Wilder won't get his belt back
There will be no investigation
All points have been disproved and debunked
Major outlets won't report on it because it's nonsense
Wilder could get the real media talking by giving this some shine but he won't and his team won't because its a nonsensical theory by nonsensical people.
So what's the endgame ?
I honestly think the real issue is you militant nikkaz are mad deontay got beat by a goofy ass white boy. It is what it is. If wilder had lost like this to Joshua would there be all this Juelzing ? I doubt it
\Where is the outcry for Deontay when he's wacking nikkaz behind they head and getting knockdowns ?
Where is the outcry for Deontay having a metal rods in his hand ?
Should Deontay Wilder be Allowed to Fight with Steel Pins in His Hand? - Boxing Forum
I want the same Wilder nikkaz huffing and puffing about this glove to huff and puff about that. Oh....
It's sad how some of us get emotionally attached to people and get personally offended when their guy takes an L.
You wilder dudes couldn't name his last ten fights if asked, how many of you bought the fight and really supported your boy ? Or did you militants find a stream ? Oh......

But its #tillthisday huh ?
The best thing to that could of happened to Deontay was a loss. Because now his gameplan has to switch up.
Wilder said HIMSELF he was never right because he had some thing going on outside the ring that affected this fight and why he looked so bad why aren't yall talking about that ?
The only thing remotely fishy is wilder just looked gassed from the start of the fight, like he had nothing at all, I would put more eyes on why that was more than anything.