mortuus est
Just rumors. None of that has been proven to be real. If he was somebody would’ve exposed him in this day and Age
Most Tyler’s songs are about women
My theory is that Tyler created this “gay/bi” rumors with some ambiguous lyrics and never Denies those gay rumors because he has so much past homophobic lyrics early on in his career
If he’s allegedly gay (been gay all along) then he gets a pass, but if he says he’s straight all his old music might hurt his career right now
he most certainly is bi, his early music was more about girls that didnt like him , listen to the lyrics carefully , he def into guys, he has said himself more than once he is into curly haird boys, no rumor

and again hodgey has said stuff about tylers gayness to the point you can tell its true, odd future have 2 gay members with syd and frank, why do people find it hard to believe tyler is bi? its right in your face he's just been trolling people for years about it, why you think people that interview him dont ask about his sexuality? they know the deal
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