This nikka has like never been seen with a chick thoughtroll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
if he actually is gay or bisexual then his business. Music still trash regardless
This nikka has like never been seen with a chick thoughtroll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
if he actually is gay or bisexual then his business. Music still trash regardless
No trolling shyt
Let's look at it biologically
Majority if not all women are attracted to other women (proven by science) and have the ability to evolve into men.
In the womb you start off essentially as a female and develop male gentials.
A man however cant evolve into a woman
Testosterone both promotes “male” features and restricts “female” features. For example, it restricts the full development of breasts in men to nipple development. It also affects the brain, causing neurological differences in “men” and “women.”
Testosterone also causes the labia to fuse to become the male scrotum. The clitoris becomes a penis, the voice deepens, and the prostate gland forms.
take my word for it. Only women can truly be bisexual.
NeggedHoly shyt this forum really is full of ignorant, despicable morons who live in caves and have a ridiculously backwards irrational conception of gay people and don't understand sexuality or even basic terms lol
You should go have drinks with some 80-year-old KKK members from the deep South, and bond over your thoughts on homosexuality, because on this topic you are in total agreement.
Odd Future is dead, and Tyler is borderline irrelevant not saying hes not gay......but we all know the easiest way to gain relevance especially for Black Men is to be gay or do some sus shyt thugger for example.
Good. Now can he come clean on how he got put on in the record industry?
I am a Tyler fan (former stan even) but I was thinking the same thing. No rapper in the history of hip hop has been hot for 5+ years without being associated with a broad. In the same we know he's potentially gay from his bars, the only way we would assume he was ever straight was cause his bars
No wonder Earl stop fukking with these dudes.
On his last two albums he had some dope, Erykah Bad type soul shyt that made me overlook all the bullshyt he normally talks but I'm sure this new album gonna be unbearable with either him laughing about it or dropping too many lines about gay shyt.
There's no such thing as a bisexual male