What writers?Tyler needs better writers

What writers?Tyler needs better writers
Opening credits: produced, written and directed by Tyler Perry. SmhTyler needs better writers
Reasonable Doubt was watchable. I really wasn’t feeling the protagonist though but Wifey and I finished the series. Season two coming out this year?Hulu literally has a series with this same plot - Reasonable Doubt
"There is no writer's room"![]()
With all that money, if only he had some taste, he could be curating the next generation of black Hollywood and taking the world by storm...
Even his actually talented black writing peers like Shonda Rhimes and Donald Glover will be the first to assemble and give props to their writers' room. They know being show runners and taste makers of shyt that legitimately moves the American culture is a thousand times more important and fulfilling than churning out the thousandth worse-than-Lifetime-originals "film".
Gotta go by the creator's sexual preferenceSo I gotta look at cuz ass this entire movie but the best we can do for Kelly is a side boob?![]()