What about the absentee dads

What of the absentee dads? didnt you read my second post? or are you doing that supa simp

thing you keep doing in TLR

if i pop a few off in a chick, how is it mostly her fault she got pregnant? that's on me just as much as it's on her.
They have these clinics and pills b...best believe if a woman really didnt want to carry your seed she wont....
kids that do horrible sh1t like this are the product of absent fathers or really dysfunctional families.
See that right there...theres one party you didnt include in your list..Can a mother be abusive and neglectful..especially if she resents the child's father..how many times have you heard a mother say you aint shyt just like your daddy..be honest.
lots of single women doing the best they can to teach a boy right from wrong, but they can't fully teach a boy how to be a man.
I actually agree somewhat...and some single moms to their credit do okay...the problem here is NOT failing to teach being a man..its failing to teach this kid to be a decent human being..a guy can be a failure as a man and still be a decent human being.
This is a 17 year old boy who for the first say 13 to 14 years was completely dependent on someone else to teach him how to behave..where would you place the blame.