Sam Peel
Throw a fastball at someones head knowing they can't retaliate because you got your feelings hurt brehs
Throw a fastball at someones head knowing they can't retaliate because you got your feelings hurt brehs
Lost in all the 'cism were these tweets:
I thought this was great.
Lost in all the 'cism were these tweets:
I thought this was great.
Throw a fastball at someones head knowing they can't retaliate because you got your feelings hurt brehs
Ok but when's the last time that happened? Serious question, how often do you hear a player straight up talking shyt, calling the opponent sorry etc in a national tv interview? Im inclined to believe that type of disrespect wouldnt be well received from anyone.If he were white they'd just say it was passion, fire and his desire to be a winner.
Well he said crab tree said something super fukked up to him.Yeah Sherman was a little over the top
I thought he was a little extra on first take too