i been off Sunny for a min, but hightowns renewal is fire
always Sunny is getting the Fraiser treatment - they’re trying to extend it as much as possible but it’s not as comical or naturally funny as it was in the early seasons and the chemistry is not the same. They tried to infuse too much of the political and social justice issues in the last couple of seasons which missed the mark imo. I think they were all trying to do their separate projects (Dennis with AP Bio and Dee with The Mick) so the dynamic wasn’t there but we'll see what happens this season. Fans are going to be fans no matter what so I’ll watch off the strength.
And Hightown just got better and better each episode. If It wasn’t for lockdown and being bored, I probably would have never checked for it tbh. But I was hooked. The last 2 eps

I did not see that coming with that Cop; I knew he was going out bad bc he was too cocky but that twist where he thought he was playing everybody against each other to end up like he did. Lmao. Crazy.