Cole Cash
They took a hammer and sickle to my back
Inside the Middle East: 2012 September « - Blogs
She screamed in the face of all the men in her village "Don't talk behind my back, don't play with my honor."
With the head of her rapist in her hand, Nevin Yildirim, a 26-year-old mother of two, walked to the main square of her village and told everyone about her murder.
"Here is the head of the man who played with my honor." She said after throwing the head in the middle of the square.
After continually raping her for 8 months, Yildirim, who said she is pregnant with the rapist's child, decided to take matters into her own hands and shoot the man twice and cut off his head when he died.
She said, 35-year old Nurettin Gider, threatened her with a gun and said he would kill her children, ages 2 and 6, if she made any noise.
In small villages like hers, honor is held above all else, and women carry the burden of honor for their families.
She was arrested short after the incident and now is asking for an abortion. In Turkey, abortion is only allowed during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
The story went viral on social media and local newspapers. Some called her murder a heroic act after they said laws and society failed her.