I think being from Amherst is more relevant here
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I consider Texas to be a western state.
that's why I mentioned the Midwest..because it applies due to our history...
i know all of you nikkaz not from here think it's all the same.
I think you mean Florida isn't even southlol texas is not even the south.
This is the south I know, I don't know about you guys but this is the south I know.
south = midwest
it's all the same to me honestly
Super bad idea.Thoughts?
Super bad idea.
Hosting the Olympics requires money to build up facilities and infrastruture. Once the event is over. The debt for those resources still hangs around if it didn't get paid off. If the facilities don't get used, it's wasted.
It happens everywhere. 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China 1992 Olympics cost the city a lot of money because they didn't have the facilities or infrastructure. Now that the Olympics are over, they have empty and unused facilities. That is what is going to happen in Tulsa. Where are they going to get a kayaking course and velodrome? They are going to have to build them. That is going to cost a lot of money. Once the events are over, they are going to be expensive facilities that cost money to maintain.
Are you going to spend millions of dollars in hotel construction to house thousands of people for one month of events only to have them close down because hotel owners aren't making enough revenue afterwards? It takes years for hotels to recoup construction costs and get in the black after a hotel is built.
It would be better to host it in a very large city/metro area like NYC, Chicago, or Dallas.