The 93-01 Vault only has a few episodes from each year. 2022-2024 is the full
The UK netflix has a bit more WWE content but not everything: (Raw, Smackdown, NXT Vault but not every episode)
Most WWE PPVS (all manias, summerslams, royal rumbles, a few Survivor series, all the b PPVs but not every year)
No WCW, ECW and territory stuff
Update theres a few WWE PPVS scattered that dont show when you type WWE into the international netflix version too (Wrestling classic, One Night Only, December to Dismember)
But overall this is a shyt show. Theres no dedicated WWE portal or promotion for the network on Netflix and you gotta search by name the full PPV
But theres NO WCW, NWA, ECW, AWA, WCCW, Prime Time, Saturday Night's Main Event, Superstars etc.
Also some of the B PPVs are only coming in Feb/March etc
US brehs hold onto the 'cock for as long as you can and start ripping everything off that bytch