Gotta rename this to the Peacock thread.
Notes from a June 1997 Raw I’m watching:
- Fans were red hot for the Ahmed Johnson and LOD. This is the Raw where that version of NOD would break up.
- British Bulldog vs Goldust for the European title. Apparently this is a bit after Goldust stops being androgynous and is basically just a big dude wearing face paint fighting to differentiate himself from Dusty. Terri slapping the shyt out of Bulldog

Shamrock makes the save for Terri but I don’t really know the significance of it.
- This is also the night after Hunter wins KOTR. He’s not there yet as far as promos, and Chyna damn sure isn’t

Chyna tells Mankind on the Titantron “come down here and kiss my ass”, and Mankind says “ok, I’m a good kisser”

- Faarooq firing everybody in the Nation other than D’Lo lmaooo, D’Lo reaction is priceless, then Faarooq says “D’Lo, hold the ropes open for Clarence” and Clarence is losing his shyt.
- This episode is also in the heat of the Lawler/ECW stuff. Almost feels like it’s non-canon from the rest of the show, but it’s still interesting and the crowd really responds to them, especially RVD. Nice quick match between him and Flash Funk. Scorpio is so underrated and he was far ahead of the other wrestlers at that time as far as moveset. He was pretty much out of place. He would’ve flourished in 2000, and the early 00s in general.
- Doug Furnas and Phillip Lafon wanting to be introduced as “the most exciting tag team”

their match with the Headbangers was short but made them look pretty stupid. The finish was awful cause Mosh was too far away covering Furnas, so Lafon had to land awkwardly on a splash. It just looked bad.
Austin and Psycho Sid are over than a MF and the crowd signs reflected that. That’s another thing, I miss seeing shows plastered in all types of crowd signs, hate how the WWE basically micromanaged them out of wrestling.
- Pretty much forgot Raws back then we’re 2 hours and SO much as happened and I have 14 minutes left (they just showed the interview where Mankind attacked Jim Ross and Austin/Pillman is the main event)