Cibernetico and Pierroth were on Raw and Vince mentioned AAA.
closest thing we get now is "Inoki promotion in Japan."
Reliving that Rumble-Mania 2013 stretch. What a weird time in hindsight. I wonder how long WWE was planning on a Cena/Rock rematch. I think the original plans were a one time deal but much like the Goldberg situation, where they took something and extended it, I think somewhere along the line they said lets do anther shot. You could tell by how they set the story up. Once in a lifetime but Cena wins Rumble and Rock wins title. So Fate brings them back together or whatever. (Also, Cena should have had a way more fukked up post Rock match/2012 than he did. Would have gave him more sympathy)
I think it would have been interesting to see Punk win the Rumble match vs Rock off the Sheild fukkery. Never have Vince involved and say he would strip him etc. Gives Punk heel momentum and bragging rights a little longer and gives Rock more sympathy from the fans that were not so keen on his title win. Have Rock win it at Elimination Chamber. Sure it would shorten his reign but it would have worked. Punk invokes his rematch clause. Cena/Punk battle it out for the final say on a RAW episode. That match goes to a Draw. Rock says fukk it and gives them both a shot, and boom triple thread where Cena goes over at Mania and the WWE history continues from there. Even have Rock eat the pin.
Not sure what they would have done for Taker though. We would lose the good Punk/Taker match with this scenario. You can’t do Brock/Taker and end the streak here since its planned for 30. And trips has his match with Brock anyway (which we could have done without tbh) Maybe they could have canned Mark vs Ryback and did Taker vs Ryback. ( I know shytty booking attempt), lose to Taker and turn heel on RAW next night still out of frustration. Mark Henry is my guy but they could sit him out this year. Idk. So many possibilities.
WWE should have done punk vs cena vs rock at mania with punk losing his reign without being pinned. You can use that to do rock vs punk at summerslamits obvious they had it planned at least by the night after mania 28. I believe Cena was originally told he was going to win the 1st mania match. Rock flexed his muscle and had that changed off the strength that he REALLY did not like Cena after the build up got going. the straw was probably cena calling out rock's promo notes. Cena has hinted at that match supposing to have gone a different way in interviews.
when Rock did his promo on the Raw after mania 28 saying he was gonna be wwe champion, you knew they had hashed out everything and the plan would be for him to eventually win the belt and give drop it to cena as payback.
also, supposedly during 2012 when ryback had got hot, Vince was going to have him beat punk, end his streak and win the belt. it was gonna be ryback vs rock but he didn't pull the trigger. I kind of think rock told him he'd prefer to win from punk. rock is a smart guy, punk had talked shyt about him since 2011 so getting to end his title reign and beat him clean was a little get back imo.
as far as rock losing to punk yeah that wasn't happening.
I remember thinking they had so many options for that 2013 run for rock. they could have switched up so much stuff to make it more entertaining. rock go heel. have the shield work for the rock. a bunch of different stuff.
I doubt cena would have agreed to a triple threat, or maybe vince didn't want it. cena because he wanted to get his one on one win back. vince because he didn't think the main event needed another person in it.