Digging around for some more rare matches, checked out Snuka/HBK from 1992. It's so weird. HBK had just turned a few weeks prior, so he was still working out the gimmick. COMPLETELY different music, some shyt straight out of a schmaltzy 1950s movie, different pose, different signature bumps and spots. It's very odd.
Also weird to me is that during the Piper/Bruno feud, there were also Pedro/Orton matches on a lot of the same cards, yet they never ran a Bruno/Pedro super team again Piper/Orton. But I say why stop there? During the same period, Hogan was usually defending the belt against either Piper, Savage, or Funk. Imagine the end of the month super card at MSG headlined by Hogan/Bruno/Pedro vs Piper/Orton/Savage (or Funk).

I was dying that Bruno spent the whole match smoothing down his hair, yet at the end the camera did a slow zoom into his bald spot.
Really wish they'd make individual matches searchable. Not just send you to a time stamp on the full event. Plus 300 other results. Just search for something like Hogan vs Andre and each match they're in pops up to watch immediately.