Let me go into depth on this, having literally watched them both in the last day.
Savage/Steamboat has zero story in the match itself. Is the workrate higher? Of course. But Steamboat heads into the match as a furious and righteously angry babyface looking for revenge. All that goes out the window in about 3 minutes. Plus, he ends up winning after a clear visual loss, outsider interference, and a very terrible small package OUTTA NOWHERE. Steamboat works the arm, Savage works the throat. Neither play into the match at all. It's just meaningless work to fill for time. It's a match that is built like a roller coaster, with ratcheting up, going down the hill and up the loops at a fast speed, then going back to the slow build up the hill. But those slow points are completely meandering and clearly just stalling for time. The rapid fire pins are slow and sloppy, and the entire workrate oriented aspect of the match was blown out of the water by matches in NJ and CMLL for nearly a decade.
As a workrate match in 1987 WWF specifically, it absolutely is special. With any perspective of anything outside of WWF, it is not. It's not even the best WM match Macho had, and it is blown out of the water by the Steamboat/Flair matches, and I'm a dude that will shyt on Flair every chance I get. As is, it is a match full of high spots, but lacking any internal story, or external story within the context of the feud.
Then you have Andre/Hogan. Andre was nearly immobile, and only took 2 bumps in the entire match, but the match had a clear story, executed as best the two could possibly do at that point, and FELT like a much bigger and important match (because it was). It has an actual story, actual psychology, and it works for what they were trying to do. The entire story of the match is build around Hogan hurting his back in the first 30 seconds, being outmatched (even in the opinion of about half the face roster at the time), and relying on the power of the Hulkamaniacs. Earlier in the show, Hogan cut a promo where he stated that he was just facing the giant, but Andre was facing Hogan and the millions of Hulkamaniacs. And ultimately, it was the Hulkamaniacs that willed Hulk to beat Andre, and his win was treated as bigger than winning the title AND getting the 3 year trophy.
If you look at it strictly from a "who was physically more capable" aspect, of course Savage/Steamboat was better. If you look at it from a story, execution, and importance view point, Andre/Hogan is a better match. I'll stand by that forever.