Yeah to me that's one of the simplest decisions they could make. Hell there is an endless supply of topics/wrestlers/matches/events/angles they could discuss. They'd be cheap to produce. You could even take it further and have different generations discussing the same topics. LIke a current era, Attitude Era, and then guys from Hogans time and before discussing things during their time.
I was watching i think one about hardcore wrestling and Pat Patterson hated it. It would be interested to hear how other older guys felt about it and the attitude era. They need to do a roundtable on kayfabe being dead. The old school rant you would hear.
I was thinking like how they something pay people not with the company to do certain things like DDP when they had him hosting the best of Nitro DVD. You could bring guys in guys just to do roundtable discussions like a Bischoff or a Tommy Dreamer or Jesse the body
I wouldn't mind if they had the HOF class have a roundtable special during Mania weekend or aired it before raw the day after mania.
i love that show too
Atleast bring back JR for that
Instead of making him retired they should of just gave him a different role in the company and allowed him to do outside interest like Flair has with his podcast. I like Mean Gene & JR as host i been thinking who would host it now. I'm not trying to see fukkin Michael Cole as host would love to see maybe Heyman in that spot.