fans tryna smack sunny on the ass as she came up the steps lol.
man DOA was a shytty tag team
man DOA was a shytty tag team
Not even through Fall Brawl 2000 all the way and so much fukkery
-Buffalo Bills in attendance and getting involved in Jarrett's match
-Paul Ordorff wrestling and fukking up his neck and back doing the piledriver Had to stop the match and put him on a gurney
-Duggan turning on USA for Canada
-Gene Okerland getting gully
But you let the gay Cena fan era speak on it and 98 can't compare to the 2011-2015
Loaded but can't get two solid Raw matches a week"the roster is LOADED with talent."
Booking.Loaded but can't get two solid Raw matches a week
Was anyone here a fan of the HeadBangers?