Booker is entertaining but damn man, he be sounding like an idiot. They talking bout the Undertaker's age and he brings up that his grandfather lived to 101 so Taker's age won't be a factor![]()
I be like damn Book, think before you speak man.
That's why I like Book and prefer him on the announcing team over Lawler but sometimes he just says some shyt that makes no sense at allAt least hes the only announcer immersed in kayfabe and the angles
I dont think, i've been on my phone while it was on the tv tooHey brehs did WWE instill that rule where a person can't watch from the same account from two places yet?
Mania is tomorrow and I'm going to need two screens - one for me and my boys at their apartment and one for my mom back at home. Don't know what ima do if they're really clowning with that garbage rule.
they hating on how entertaining/aggravating a heel Double J was. all the way down to the attire lol
all this means is it worked