Damn i completed my week long splurge of watching (and skipping around) all of the
1997 WWF PPVs and stopping at Wrestlemania 14 when Stone Cold finally conquered the mountain and won the WWE Championship in the most classic Wrestlemania fashion (outside of Hogan slamming Andre)
He and Daniel Bryan had similar career paths
Both had terrible beginnings in WWE
"The Ringmaster"
D-Bryan on that shytty NXT contest show in 2010
Both made the best out of a shytty situations
Austin winning the 1997 Royal Rumble but didnt main event Wrestlemania 13 likely because of the backstage drama with HBK and Bret Hart
Daniel Bryan struggled against the machine for years (match against Sheamus at Wrestlemania 28, carrying stale ass Kane at Wrestlemania 29, and not even competing at Royal Rumble 2014)
Both Men defeated Kliq members in classic fashion at Wrestlemania
Austin finally putting the nail in the coffin on the "New Generation" Shawn Michaels and ushering in the "Attitude Era"
Daniel Bryan putting the nail in the coffin on the "Triple H" in-ring era and jump starting the "Indy Darling" era for the little man. No longer is a short guy just the cruiserweight champion
Sadly, both guys had their main event careers shortened by injury though