Michael Cole sure loves the wwe app.

yeah she's much darker during Tough EnoughI'm assuming Cameron was bleaching during the Total Divas because during the confessional things she looks lighter, but back stage and being around everyone else she looks her normal complexion
This may have been addressed but any word on why there missing Raw episodes from 2006-2012?
and like 1 or 2 episodes from 2001 and 2002
thanks I was specifically looking for the raw on the years they DONT have...are they showing Benoit on the network?slowly adding them, i guess they figured if they give EVERYTHING up front there's be nothing to anticipate
thanks I was specifically looking for the raw on the years they DONT have...are they showing Benoit on the network?
I hate watching them old raws with JR he was soooooo good . And Michael cole is the exact opposite and lawler is like two different people, pg killed his characterI'm watching the Raw after No Way Out 02.... justthe product was great, the crowd was live. It makes you realize how crappy the product is now a days. Which is a shame because the in ring talent now is great but I have little to no interest in the storylines or wrestlers outside basically Ambrose and Rollins.
LMAO @ Hogan, I'm going to lay the smackdown on his crippled ass. I miss 2002.
But even back in 02 the King was complete trash by this point. It's just the GOAT JR is so good it took us several more years to finally realize it.