Dog Based Gremlin
my short attention span wont let me sit long enough to watch any 3 hour ppv 

just saw the list. horrible. if it's a top 10 tag teams of all time list including all wrestling promotions it's even worse. If it's just the WWE then it's still bad. The Road Warriors aren't even a top 5 WWE Tag team. their best was in the nwa. and the rock n sock connection can't possibly be on there and the hart foundation not be, wtf.
the top 10 WWE tag teams of the cable tv era are
10. The Brain Busters - in their short wwe stint, had some great matches
9. The Rockers -quality matches vs just about anyone
8. The British Bulldogs - see above, big time babyface team
7. The Rock n Sock Connection - can't deny the drawing power
6. Demolition - dominate
5. Edge and Christian -
4. The New Age Outlaws - arguably the most popular team of all time
3. The Hardy Boyz - arguably the 2nd most popular team of all time
2. The Hart Foundation - best team of all time, until 2000
1. The Dudley Boyz - the piece that made the tag division become great in 99-2001
I actually went back and forth between the Brian Busters and the Quebecers. and I thought the Brian Busters had a better one year run than LOD did. go watch some of their matches vs the Rockers and the Hart Foundation.wait a removed LOD based on just what they did just in WWE but included the Brainbusters!?
If we talking WWE-stints only...the list goes like this:
10. The Quebecers (3x tag champs, one of most pushed tag teams of early to mid 90s, both could work)
9. Demolition
8. British Bulldogs
7. Rockers
6. Legion of Doom
5. New Age Outlaws
4. Hart Foundation
3. Hardyz
2. Dudleys
1. Edge and Christian
honorable mentions: Headshrinkers, Nasty Boys, Bushwhackers, Team Hell No
Adam Rose was used perfectly just now on Main Event.
Should of been like that yesterday.
my short attention span wont let me sit long enough to watch any 3 hour ppv![]()
Heard Cena SUCKED on Main Event