Anybody see Flair on Wrestlemania Today panel like 20 mins ago?

@ how he completely no-sold the Taker/Brock match at Mania
Josh: "So Flair who you got this Sunday, Undertaker or Brock Lesnar?"
Flair: Undertaker
Josh: That's all you gotta say? based off wha-
Flair: *cuts him off* HISTORY
Josh: but he's never faced anybody quite like Brock Lesnar
Flair: Whoa whoa whoa, I wouldn't say that, he's faced Shawn Michaels twice and he's faced Triple H a couple times, they said he couldn't win last year and the year before that..size and strength is good and all but skill is a whole nother animal

he was serious the entire time too, he wasn't the usual high energy smiling faced Flair like he usually is, it was kinda weird.