Watching the 2005 Royal Rumble match which has been dope, Christian just came out at the #29 entrant with his OG "Close Your Eyes" theme with Tomko by his side..I damn near teared up

Also watching this rumble match it's crazy how jacked Batista was during his first run compared to now, it was really noticeable to me how much mass he's lost when watching Raw last night when he was in the ring with Orton and Triple H. Does anybody know if he purposely slimmed down for health reasons/movie roles or is it simply the result of getting off the gear?but then again he stayed massive (no homo) during his first run even after the Benoit drug testing policy went into effect.
he's old breh, damn near 50Also watching this rumble match it's crazy how jacked Batista was during his first run compared to now, it was really noticeable to me how much mass he's lost when watching Raw last night when he was in the ring with Orton and Triple H. Does anybody know if he purposely slimmed down for health reasons/movie roles or is it simply the result of getting off the gear?but then again he stayed massive (no homo) during his first run even after the Benoit drug testing policy went into effect.
He just turned 45 this yearhe's old breh, damn near 50
i'm saying it's not easy to keep that weightHe just turned 45 this year, hell he was 40 at the end of his last run..
They showed Taker yet?