Another potential grocery store scam, not sure. I'll open this with I drive a new Audi A4.
I was at the grocery store, bought my groceries and pushing the cart out to my car. This lady stops me and tells me her boyfriend just left her & she's pregnant and needs help. She didn't look very pregnant to me, but whatever. She kept asking for a ride, and I was like "sorry, I can't. But I'll give you cash to help you out." I gave her $20 since she sounded pretty genuine. But then she's like you can take me to prove that I'll use it for food or whatever. I was like

and wanted to just keep it moving. I told her that I had to go, so she thanks me and says god will bless me but she's still asking for a ride. So I gave her a

and said no. She asked me for my name & info so she can pay me back, and I was like nah, don't worry about it. She walks off. I load up my groceries and start backing out. She runs up behind my car asking me for a ride again saying god will bless me & how she doesn't need money. She looks like she's about to start crying now. I gave her the

again, said no and just drove off.
I probably lost for falling for her story and giving her money. The entire thing was just weird, and probably the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. Was this chick trying to low key car jack me or something? The persistent asking for a ride sort of makes me think so.