Whoopin suckas with a bag of oranges
Shawn's wife
The ladies do more with their entrances than the guys save for Finn and AJ and DB and matt and bray
Seth is just a dude that walks out
Reggie is just a dude
Kevin, dude
B-team, dudes
Braun, dude who yells his name
Usos, G'z with a dude entrance
New day talks during their entrance
Hamrose, dude brose
Lashley, cdq
If they had more "flair" to their entrance, I could rock with it
HBK won
where yalk at
An X pac fan frowns on your statementThe Juvi Juice!
Only guy to ever make a long-legged singlet look cool.
Over under 3 botches by juvie?
An X pac fan frowns on your statement
The juice is loose
The Juvi Juice!
Only guy to ever make a long-legged singlet look cool.