Dum Shiny
That's what you want? THATS HOW YOU WANT IT!!!!??! FINE!!!
Triple thread match for both belts..... first fall leads to unified champion. But not just a regular match....a Triple Threat Piñata on a Pole Match.
KG Ross: This has been officially changed to a triple threat Pinta on a Pole match for both titles at once. Piñata, Piñata, Piñata
* @TrueEpic08 @firemanBk and @Kind Gentleman all glance at each other for a weakness *
*KG and BK heel up and attack TrueEpic with furious stomps and punches into the mat*
KG Ross: This is insanity, TrueEpic is clearly being out powered by these two jabowokeez who want to bully him out of the title scene. This is pathetic, i'm disgusted!!! Get the whole lockerroom out here to kick their rear ends!
*TrueEpic rolls out of the ring and finds a baseball bat underneath...remembering that in KG's arrogance, KG forgot to say if the match was No DQ or not*
*TrueEpic in an act of defense strikes both KG and BK with the bat until they can no longer move..he than piles both men on each other and pins them both at once for the 1, 2,3*
:KG Ross: Its OVER TRUEEPIC OVERCAME THE ODDS, SUNUFABETCHQ!!!!He broke them both in half with that bat, that wooden weapon of fury. He split them in two!!!!

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