It's really pretty wild how short his career was. He cut all those promos as Real Ass Stone Cold about how long he'd been doing this and all that shyt, but reality was he was the definitive top guy not even a decade into his career and was already in the second biggest company and getting a significant push 2 years into his career. People still talk about how Vince wasn't giving him a push and all this shyt, but he debuted in the Rumble, and within 2-3 months was working Bret and Shawn at house shows and getting a strong TV push. The Ringmaster gimmick wasn't even a gimmick, just a dumb nickname, he was Austin the whole time even from his very first WWF promo, and the name only lasted like 2 months. 6 months in the rocket was already strapped on his back and the company was gearing up to be built around him. Literally changed the entire direction and presentation of the company to fit Austin's personality.