Mantis Toboggan M.D.
Drink wolf cola
I wanted two stupid idiots, but I can't complain with the result we got. Sly definitely deserves it for stanning who he stans.
And being a documented bigot and looking like a ladyboy.I wanted two stupid idiots, but I can't complain with the result we got. Sly definitely deserves it for stanning who he stans.
And being a documented bigot and looking like a ladyboy.
And being a documented bigot and looking like a ladyboy.
Load of nonsense definitely not a bigot
Since you don't post here much and consider yourself part time, which message board are you mainly on now?This is awesome! I'm like Brock Lesnar winning titles on a part time schedule
Hulkamania 4 lyfe bytches!
Since you don't post here much and consider yourself part time, which message board are you mainly on now?
st0rmfr0nt? Chimpout? Alt right *****/Reddit boards?![]()
Oh gotcha, you've been hitting the Trump rallies hard this year.The message board called life
Oh gotcha, you've been hitting the Trump rallies hard this year.![]()
So you got a fellow Inca to marry youNah just adulting have a 1 yr old and working corporate job
Of course they will turn into a roast because not one poster in TSC poster can out debate me, gets offended, and turns to comedy as a defense mechanism. That's nothing new. This forum doesn't even have credibility without me. Lol. When the Coli was started, who did they request to get here immediately? Me. Everyone else are fit ins and use my sayings as common language around here now. That's yearly.
I'm porn dedicated but every Monday, this entire forum goes off track and uses porn gifs to mask lack of knowledge? Lol. Its a white boy tactic and u fell for it. I never did. Look at all these cats who had to change their names from years past and hiding behind troll posting or saying 5th grade shyt like "I ain't reading all that". Weak. Hipster types. Yuck.
Your useless threads about Dave meltzer tweets really keep this place going![]()