Uptown Thoroughbred

Bush v. Gore - Wikipedia

Brooks Brothers riot - Wikipedia
Bev Harris - Wikipedia

Hacking Democracy - Wikipedia
The presidency was stolen by Jeb Bush, then FL gov, for his brother, then TX gov. The plan was aided and abetted by a bought out SC, Daddy Bush's old CIA friends, and Democrats too p*ssy to do shyt. All so they- Dems and Reps- could get richer off the rape and pillage of the ME, including the antiquities of several incredibly ancient cities (some of which were apparently intended for the family who owns Hobby Lobby and their 'Museum of the Bible).
Throughout the debacle, we were like yall, hopeful that evidence and democracy would in in the end. Despite enough evidence of wrongdoing to make it to the SC, our hopes were dashed. I don't suggest yall spend any money on this. I did and it was a waste of time and money. I been trynna tell yall this for the past several election seasons: Democrats choose to fight with one hand pinned behind their backs. At some point, you must realize this and disentangle yourselves from them emotionally.