Trump Will Start Deporting Millions of Illegal Immigrants Next Week


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang
Dummy, the labor market's going to force them to pay a living wage.

When they can't find any workers who'll work for $7.15/hr, they'll have to raise their wages or go out of business.

And I'm pretty sure you can't "outsource" construction or the service industry

Or forestry, which are industries that are heavily illegal immigrant laden

You are really retarded if you think that any government mechanism such as a wall or enforcement crackdown is going to stop illegal immigration. You living fantasies nikka.

The labor market in a capitalist system has been and will always be directed by the demand of the employer. Illegal Immigrants will find a way to come here to work and employer will find a way to hire them for service jobs and construction jobs as u say because there is a profit motive to it.

It is encouraged by this system. Dont believe this farce that they want them out.

I was talking manufacturing jobs more so with the outsourcing.

And wtf are forestry jobs to you? :mjlol:
Forestry is the science and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving, and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits. Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands.

Im pretty sure that this work is done by the state and federal government and municipalities. They for damn sure arent hiring illegals to do this work

Did u mean landscaping? Stop talking out ur azz nikka :russ:


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
I notice how hispanics and latinos will be the first to say "the white man" before any black people mention race. But what they wont tell black people is that when they apply for jobs and fill out forms, they list themselves as white. Thats how twisted and hypocritical you and the rest of your community are.

Always talking about white man but you consider yourself white. LOL

Whenever I did inmate intake at the state prison, they always listed themselves as wyte.... no matter how beige or brown they were .

I'd just look at them like :usure:

But whatevs


Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
The other part about it too, the second the rich can’t get cheap labor, they’re going to defer to automation anyway.

Yet nothing will be done about them getting away with everything.

That’s how power works brehs. Highly doubt anything gets done vs illegal immigrants, too much money at stake. Again, rahrah talk with elections drawing near.

Remember what happened last time dude shut the borders and a lot of workers got stuck outside the U.S? Companies complained and dude took it back.

You’re not catered to and nobody wants to listen to you if you’re not wealthy. It’s always been like this.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
The other part about it too, the second the rich can’t get cheap labor, they’re going to defer to automation anyway.

Yet nothing will be done about them getting away with everything.

That’s how power works brehs. Highly doubt anything gets done vs illegal immigrants, too much money at stake. Again, rahrah talk with elections drawing near.

Remember what happened last time dude shut the borders and a lot of workers got stuck outside the U.S? Companies complained and dude took it back.

You’re not catered to and nobody wants to listen to you if you’re not wealthy. It’s always been like this.

You mean during WWI, the only time in US history, Black American's could occupy good paying labor jobs because they could no longer hire a constant stream of European immigrants over us?

Have any of you nikkaz ever heard of the Great Migration?

And how are you gonna "automate" construction jobs?

HOw are you gonna "automate" forrestry?

How are you gonna completely automate the service industry?

You nggaz caping for those motherfukkers are shameless

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
You are really retarded if you think that any government mechanism such as a wall or enforcement crackdown is going to stop illegal immigration. You living fantasies nikka.

The labor market in a capitalist system has been and will always be directed by the demand of the employer. Illegal Immigrants will find a way to come here to work and employer will find a way to hire them for service jobs and construction jobs as u say because there is a profit motive to it.

It is encouraged by this system. Dont believe this farce that they want them out.

I was talking manufacturing jobs more so with the outsourcing.

And wtf are forestry jobs to you? :mjlol:
Forestry is the science and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving, and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits. Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands.

Im pretty sure that this work is done by the state and federal government and municipalities. They for damn sure arent hiring illegals to do this work

Did u mean landscaping? Stop talking out ur azz nikka :russ:

Wrong Dummy

8 Million People Are Working Illegally in the U.S. Here’s Why That’s Unlikely to Change.

Unauthorized immigrants represent about 24 percent of all workers in farming, fishing and forestry and 15 percent of those employed in construction, which is the industry that uses the most undocumented immigrant workers overall, at 1.35 million.

Nearly one quarter of restaurant workers in 2016 were foreign-born compared with 18.5 percent for all sectors, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, compiled by the National Restaurant Association. A large share are likely undocumented, economists say.


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang

That statistic is combined farming, fishing and forestry. Majority of those undocumented workers in that statistic is probably from farming and fishing.

But you are right. :ehh: I read there are private forests and parks as well as self employed foresters and forestry workers that are classified that because of support activities for agriculture.

Forest and Conservation Workers : Occupational Outlook Handbook : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

But the biggest employer for Forestry is still the local, state and federal government. And they cant hire undocumented workers.

Plus Forest and conservation workers held about 14,300 jobs of the total jobs in 2016, which is pretty small.

Lets not get distracted here

Lets go back to the main premise of our discourse and the reason you are calling me a dummy.

You just cited an article that proves my point. You said the labor market's going to force them to pay a living wage.

When they can't find any workers who'll work for $7.15/hr, they'll have to raise their wages or go out of business

You are still retarded.:mjlol: That whole article that you used to prove your forestry point really goes against your bigger premise about illegal immigrants and wage stagnation.

Some interesting things in that short article

1. The article said illegal immigrants make up only five percent of the labor force. Thats really a large number that would cause wages to stagnate in the agregate (insert sarcasm)

2. The article says Illegal immigrants take up mostly blue collar jobs in farming, construction and restaurant services that most Americans will not do as opposed to working a low wage job in a Amazon warehouse indoors. Which would negatively impact the agricultural, construction and service industries

3. The article cites economist who say most undocumented immigrants are in the labor force and help the economy especially in a time of economic prosperity and low employment.

4. The article cites some undocumented immigrants who are making 15 dollars and 20 dollars an hour.

5. The article cites a survey conducted in late 2017 by the Associated Contractors of America found that 70 percent of construction companies were having difficulty hiring roofers, bricklayers and electricians, among others. The accommodation and food services sector reported a record number of vacancies this October.

6. The article cites economist who speculate that some employers would likely get rid of jobs instead of paying a high wage, which would hurt the economy.

Stop demonizing these people clown. They dont effect wage growth or the job market and if they do it is a minimal effect.

If anything, undocumented immigrants depress wages for certain groups, such as teenagers or workers with a high school diploma or less.

The forces driving wage reductions for blue-collar workers go far beyond immigration. It is the entire capitalist system that we operate on and not a group of people.

Dont feed into the propaganda of the uneducated. That is how we got President Orange 45.

They arent hurting my pockets personally but I can understand if some people are unemployed or struggling in these streets and needed a scapegoat instead of looking in the mirror.:umad:


Aug 12, 2012
The landscaping industry should be WIDE open soon.

Ahh ok I see what they are gonna do. We usually imagine or expect this to be regular jobs or construction jobs but I think they will go at landscaping and farming more so Trump can say he opened up more jobs for ADOS and White Americans in those fields

Where and how can I volunteer to speed up the process

New updates. Apparently Miami will be one of the main locations this takes place

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
Trump is going to do or announce all kinds of high profile shyt to distract people leading up to 2020. He's already trying to start a damn war with Iran.


Dec 8, 2012
Ahh ok I see what they are gonna do. We usually imagine or expect this to be regular jobs or construction jobs but I think they will go at landscaping and farming more so Trump can say he opened up more jobs for ADOS and White Americans in those fields

New updates. Apparently Miami will be one of the main locations this takes place

They need to remove them from Washington DC. Hopefully Baltimore means all of Maryland.

Notice how most of these cities have a heavy black population. This proves my point that white people ship illegals to our communities causing over population in our schools and housing. SMDH. Black literally are holding illegals on their backs and not by choice.