Sure because its not like there's not precedent for rounding up large swaths of black folks and shipping them off somewhere or killing them in the streets.
It's like you all never read about World War II or something.
The moment these clowns feel like the majority of the country will back them in literally rounding folks up indiscriminately they'll do it again...and your bullshyt citizenship ain't gon mean a damn thing. I'm not for people being here illegally but I've seen this playbook before and it doesn't stop with Mexicans.
*points to the Patriot Act*
And guess what. If they are foolish enough to TRY to start rounding up Black people we'll fight their ass to the death at every turn like we've been doing for fukking hundreds of years. It's like YOU don't remember the slave rebellions, the Civil Rights Movement, the Watts Riots, The L.A. Riots, etc.
African Americans are THE ONLY group who has never layed down and tried to assimilate with white people. We have ALWAYS had uprisings against their bullshyt while the other "minority" groups just sit it out in the shadows and then collect and benefit from the ADOS sacrifices once the shyt is done. Post a video here of archival footage of Mexicans or Asians or whoever fighting along Blacks in the Civil Rights movement. I'll wait. You can't find one.
So, if tomorrow, they try to reinstitute slavery or round Black people up, guess what? We'll be ready for their ass and we'll fight them to the death and resist their bullshyt at every turn like we've BEEN doing. It's like you don't even know of the history of your people and know how strong we are and how resilient we are, if you're even really Black, which is always questionable on this site. We'll be ready.
But I do know who WON'T be helping. fukking Mexicans. They'll align themselves right along with the white supremacists in hopes of currying their favor, just like they do in prison. These people are professional and proud white ass kissers. They have no fight or warrior spirit in them. They only aspire to be the white man's lapdog, even at the cost of being the Black man's allies.
You c00ns better wake up and smell the chitlins. These people are NOT your friends and they will NEVER defend you or ally with your Black ass over their white Daddy. And none of you Sambos are gonna shame me into fighting their battles for them at the cost and peril of my beloved Black people. They can, now and forever, hold their own nuts. fukk em all!